Three Different Worlds

Written by Rev. Andre van Zijl

Zimbabwean born Andre van Zijl is a co-founder of All Paths Divinity School and an award-winning artist with work in over 30 museums worldwide. He is a co-founder of Awareness Now Projects, producing, promoting and nurturing Sacred Community through the arts. He is also founder and director of Van Zijl Art and Design Studios. Areas of expertise include: sacred arts, mysticism, Vedanta, eastern philosophy, social activism, nonprofit management.

“We see three different worlds before us today: the world of dependence, then independence, and finally INTERDEPENDENCE. We left the dependent world when we came to America and set up a new nation. We have tended to get stuck in the independent world through our dominance of other peoples and our continuing effort to control other nations. It is time to move on to the INTERDEPENDENT way of life, when our stance will become one of sharing as equals and being an example of encouraging the growth and development of all peoples in peace and equality.”

– Rev. Leland Stewart

Leland Stewart

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