All Paths Blog
Glancing out the window, I marvel at an intense congregation of seagulls, wheeling and settling over and over on the rooftops opposite. As if they had all received the same message but couldn’t...
Preparing Compassionate Hearts: All Paths at Parliament of the World’s Religions 2021
This new world requires a new paradigm of interfaith understanding, collaboration, training, and a mantra of “together we can do this”!
Universal Christ by Richard Rohr: Book Review
In the evangelical church, Jesus had a very specific and narrow mission: to be the perfect lamb, the sacrifice that would pay for the sins of the world. But my heart’s understanding of Christ was at odds with what I was being asked to believe.
Remembering Swami “Shiva” Atmatattwananda and Dr. Joseph Prabhu
We just “lost” two of the most prominent luminaries, a true saint Shiva (Swami Atmatattwananda), and Dr. Joseph Prabhu, the veritable embodiment of in-depth interfaith-interspiritual understanding.
Sanctuary of Everyday Wholiness
The essential serious practice of meditation is perhaps one of the few ways to help us realize our true nature beyond the body and mind, and to separate from the whole engrossing kaleidoscopic swirl of sensual experience.